Effective July 1, 2012, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed Act 82 of 2012 which requires schools to disclose Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities for students in grades 7-12 [1]. This data serves as the "source of truth" by which students and their advocates can evaluate gender gaps and ensure that school administrators comply with the laws established nationwide by Title IX. PASD has failed to report accurate data in a timely manner. The data that has been reported indicates significant gaps in both opportunities and spending between boys and girls sports. These gaps need to be closed by elevating girls athletic opportunities, not by removing those from boys.
Title IX data is required by law to be published on a school's website by Nov 1. Last year, data was not made available until August, nine months late. When data was published, it was highly inaccurate, including $0 for all facilities spending.
Is data accurately reported and made available by Nov 1?
Are procedures established and roles defined to review and evaluate data based on Title IX requirements?
Are plans established with clear milestones and accountable owners to make tangible progress in closing gender gaps?